The things the government does tends to be "one size fits all". Unfortunately we aren't all the same size. I have my own thoughts about abortion, religion, the death penalty, fiscal responsibility, and dental hygiene. And with all due respect, my thoughts are better than yours. Or the Government's thoughts for that matter.
Giaus Cornelius Tacitus was a Senator, Governor and Historian in ancient Rome during the reigns of Tiberius, Caligulia, and Nero.
Tacitus made the observation that "the more corrupt the Government, the more numerous the laws".
Sound familiar?
I am sure that our Government feels that it is making the best decisions for the welfare of the American people, but the people in government really need to read Tacitus.
Don't get me wrong. I am not fomenting rebellion or talking treason. I am just observing that, like Thomas Jefferson, Governments tend to govern best which govern least.
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